1. HELPING RESPONSIBLE PET OWNERS - By "responsible pet owner," we mean the person who would give their pet one of their kidneys! They consider them to be a part of the family and they LOVE them! They spay/neuter, vaccinate, and do all they can to keep their best friend happy and healthy. Be THAT person! It often means OLD dogs or cats, because you've given your pet the opportunity to live a long life. You've provided treatment and preventative care when needed, but now a crisis has arisen. We are here to help out for that medical emergency or chronic health issue. We want to offer assistance for care that goes above and beyond what is usual. We are talking about financial aid that gives you a hand up, not a hand out, AND lets you keep your kidney!
2. HELPING OTHER NONPROFITS - We are so grateful for those with boots on the ground. The ones who do the hard work and the dirty work. The ones who rescue sad faces at the last minute and have to look into the scared eyes of others that they can't rescue. The ones who clean kennels and litter boxes, who walk dogs and volunteer their time at shelters. The good people who drop everything to rescue a neglected or abused dog, the angels who foster those fragile souls. That list goes on and on. If we can financially help with some of those expenses we will. We also want to help shelters who need pet food and supplies. A percentage of our budget is earmarked specifically for the aid of other nonprofits.
PLEASE NOTE: Grants made to pet owners are much different than grants made to nonprofits. To be clear on those differences and to apply for the correct grant, please see our "Pet Grants" and our "Nonprofits Grants" pages.
EXAMPLE: We DO NOT fund basic care or spay/neuter on pet grants made to pet owners, but we DO offer assistance for basic care and spay/neuter for grants made to nonprofits.
Inside Voice provides need-based financial assistance to responsible pet owners. Grants are made for serious or emergency veterinary care, beyond routine procedures, including treatment, surgery, and medications. We also consider requests for chronic health problems and end of life comfort care.
Inside Voice has a soft spot for senior pets and will not discriminate based on age. If we can assist by granting comfort care in end of life situations, we will. Your application will be accepted based on the opinion of the treating veterinarian, that the pet would still have quality of life, for the rest of its life.
We want every pet to have a forever home and it's our goal to keep pets out of shelters. Inside Voice will offer financial aid to other nonprofits who specialize in rescue and re-homing. We offer assistance for vet care, dental, vaccinations, tests, and even food and pet supplies as needed, to rescue or re-home.
Please note - regarding our responsible pet owner grant - no contributions are ever given directly to individuals. Inside Voice ONLY sends funds directly to the treating veterinarians and ONLY if your application is approved and treatment is scheduled. Funding resources are limited and typically capped at $500 per grant, but Inside Voice looks at each application on an individual basis and makes every effort to use their limited funds in the most responsible way. Thanks for understanding.
Inside Voice does not discriminate based on age, sex, or race of the applicant, nor on the breed or age of the animal. Inside Voice reserves the right to deny funding to anyone for any reason.
Inside Voice respects your privacy and promises confidentiality. This grant is strictly between the person requesting the grant, the veterinarian/clinic administering the procedure or treatment, and the executive staff of Inside Voice.
When we receive your completed application we will contact you regarding approval or denial of funding. Please note - if funding is denied, we are truly sorry. Most denials of funding will be based on lack of funds. In any case, Inside Voice staff will not be able to discuss the reason for denial.
While the application process is in part based on the subjective judgment of veterinarians and our staff, we feel these basic guidelines are clear, unbiased, and necessary, and we will make the most ethical decisions possible with the information we have in each circumstance.
Your pet's best interest is ALWAYS our priority.